Love from Beyond the Grave

Can ghosts and angels really save lives?

Verity Amare
4 min readAug 9, 2023
Forest fire angel. Pixabay

Miracles and ethereal encounters offer glimpses of something beyond our understanding. These extraordinary moments, where the veil between our world and the unknown seems to thin, can leave a mark on those who experience them.

From the brink of loss to the depths of grief, the stories of Chelsea, Skylar, and Willem remind us that there are those reaching out to guide, protect, and uplift us, even from the beyond.

Do you believe in ghosts and angels?

Saved By an Angel

Colleen Banton’s daughter, Chelsea, was born five weeks premature. She suffered from numerous health issues after her birth, but when she was 14, Chelsea was rushed to a North Carolina hospital and put on life support.

She quickly developed pneumonia and was barely hanging on to life in the intensive care unit. Doctors advised her mother that she should make the devastating choice between keeping her alive without much hope of recovery or switching off her life support.

As the machine was turned off and Chelsea fought for her last breath, an incredible image showed up on the hospital’s security camera. A bright, glowing, angelic figure appeared in the doorway of her hospital room. It even appeared to have…



Verity Amare

City-girl. Jetsetter. Ghost hunter. Psychology nerd. Lover of human connection. Catch flights, not feelings!